The hunt for a suitable Class 1 Wormhole has been a trial. Initially I thought I'd just buy one, they're not very good ISK farms and residents come and go, but the only opportunities of note had LowSec or Null statics and my alts aren't trained into blockade runners. It had to be a HiSec static. So the last few days have seen me diving down holes from HiSec and exploring chains for suitable systems. One C2 looked the goods and the occupants weren't opposed to having a tennant but when I learned they already had almost twenty pilots harvesting their planets I knew pickings would be slim. So I continued my hunt, stumbling upon an unoccupied C2 with a HiSec/C1 static and the right planet arrangement. Perfect. It was late so I logged off in system and resolved to move the Orca laden with POS materials in the morning. You know where this leads, right? I log in the next morning, literally seven hours later, and there's an online tower in system.
Bob hates me. It's been too long since I've offered him any sacrifices. I promptly rage quit and shuffle off to work with the intent to start over that evening. Upon logging in again a new Z647 to a C1 has spawned so I take the aperture through and see a rare sight indeed. No force fields, only one POCO and an N110 static to HiSec space. I quickly warp around system to double check it's unoccupied and sure enough, no force fields spotted. Moreover, there are fourteen planets and all but one have no POCOs anchored on them. The one that does has a 0% tax rate! There's even four Lava planets. It just seems too good to be true. I get the feeling there's a couple of dreadnaughts logged off in system ready to blap anything that gets erected but the killboard isn't indicative of such scurrilous behaviour so I drop everything and get a tower up.

Before long I'll have some actual combat vessels in system to better deal with such incursions but hopefully the more entertaining tales will come from my mains, not my alts, as they dive a little deeper into the swarthy unknown.
Welcome back!