It's not always how I saw it, of course. In my very early days of EVE I was a HiSec griefer, mercilessly attacking soft targets with my friends and reveling in it. In fairness, I was a new player myself so I didn't perceive any advantage over my quarry, I just saw them as sheep and I was the wolf. Then there were those times in LowSec when my friends and I would bump capitals away from the docking rings of stations, demand a ransom and then destroy their vessel regardless. Again, I justified it because our targets were from powerful NullSec blocs and a few billion extorted from their ISK train was only good for the game as a whole. Those on the rough end of the stick would invariably recover from their loss. Then there was the time I infiltrated an industrial corporation who had just moved into a low class wormhole. After only a couple of weeks I cleaned out everything they had in system and pulled down their tower. In more recent times I've coordinated HiSec ganks in and around Osmon on shiney PvE Marauders and Tengus. My point is, I've done some bad shit. Nothing particularly heinous, but I'm no angel either.
I've been on the receiving end of some low ethical standards too. I lived to tell the tale and most of the time you only have yourself to blame. Maybe you were too lazy, too trusting or just too stupid. You get gamed, you move on and get on with life.

To be clear, it's not the loss of a bunch of Bombers that anyone cares about. The great thing about Bombers Bar is that you can throw caution to the wind and the worst case scenario is that you lose a fitted bomber worth maybe 70 or 80 million ISK. What I hate seeing in this scenario is the endangerment of the public roam. They are a great content generator for the EVE Universe and they will survive the likes of Pandemic Legion. I do worry that those sort of tactics drive away players from trying content they might not otherwise have access to, however. For Pandemic Legion all it will achieve is to see their members black listed from a source of content they could otherwise enjoy. Sure, they'll have a belly laugh about how they bombed the bombers, maybe even dine out on the anger a little, but really they're just damaging their game.
Be a cunt, don't be a cunt, I don't really care. But don't fuck with public content generators, that's just bad for the game and in turn, bad for you.
Yep they are filling the evil goon hat quite nice. Comes to mind a quote from Batman, " You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain."
ReplyDeleteWelcome to the age of the PLooNS flexing their power, always in a way that protect them most, the kings of carebearishness.
ReplyDeleteI run for CSM and I fight to oppose them.
It always amazes me how the view changes on the other side of the fence. Does not matter what the item/topic is if the thing you like is interfered with you will rationalize it to make the person who is interfering with it bad and thus it should not be done. "It might damage the game if we allow this to continue!", really... that's your best defense? You! one of EVE's finest examples of gaming evil and ass fuckery now says "this inflicted buggering is bad for the game" or just bad for your preferred game play atm?
ReplyDeleteLOL you make me laugh Bex,
PS still love your blogging.
Finest examples of gaming evil? Stop it, you're making me blush.
DeleteI'm not defending my actions, I'm just saying my actions don't damage the game. A few individuals might get stung, sure, but that's EVE, baby.
I just don't like seeing public roams targeted in such a way that it might deter newbros from getting into PvP; talk to some of the guys in the Bomber's Bar channel and there's plenty who will tell you that's where they got their first taste. Do you think they'd have gone on a roam in the first place if they thought it was a death sentence?
Losses are always acceptable, I have no issue with people actively engaging public roams. It's another thing entirely to target them to the point of trying to make them extinct.
"A few individuals might get stung, sure, but that's EVE, baby."
DeleteThat is true for you. And for the guy playing next door to you. And for the thousands of folks playing across the world.
"Then there were those times in LowSec when my friends and I would bump capitals away from the docking rings of stations, demand a ransom and then destroy their vessel regardless."
It doesn't need an organized group to hurt gameplay, just enough people doing the same thing because, in their opinion, they are hurting just "a few individuals".
Those individual victims add up, though, leading to a situation where (using this particular example) gameplay like ransoming is no longer truly viable. Some players may still honor ransoms, but they are outclassed by the folks with victory tales of 'SUDDENLY BETRAYAL!' in their eyes. Of course only very few people pay ransom anymore, since in all likelihood they get shafted anyway!
Your criticism of the handling of public roams was spot on - but you, too, are part of the problem.
"Your criticism of the handling of public roams was spot on - but you, too, are part of the problem."
DeleteI'm pretty sure he admits that right from the start, he just knows that fucking with public roams is a bridge too far.