Sadly that time has passed and the reality of modern life means I just can't find the time for EVE any longer. I find myself logging in to reset my PI networks and little else, neither having the time or inclination to go hunting. So, for the first time in seven years, I'm going into Alpha clone state. As the situation is now I'm just PLEXing my account for training that may never be utilized and watching my ISK stocks dwindle for no good reason. It's by no means the end of course, I've got far too much time invested in EVE to say I'm walking away forever; but I honestly can't say when I'll be back in a serious manner.

The one thing that's making this whole transition even easier is the EVE Mobile App. If you don't have it I really do recommend it. I get an immediate alert pop up on my phone when I receive an EVE Mail, so even if I'm not logging in and my Citadel is being sieged I can quickly and effectively be pinged out of game so I can form a defence fleet. If you don't have it, do yourself a favour. It's pretty damn handy.
Anyway, Bex signing out. For now.
Fly dangerous. o7
Sorry to see you go - your blog is one of the reasons I dipped my toe into WH space, and now I live here fulltime and love it. Hope to see you back in the chain soon.